
Misri Patel is an architectural designer and educator from Mumbai, India. Currently, she is the recipient of the 2023-25 Ann Kalla Professorship in Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University. Recently, she was awarded the 2019 DMT Award at the University of Michigan, the Ballard Fellowship at Lawrence Technological University (2019-2020) and the Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice | IA Fellowship (2021-2023) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Prior to CMU, she held teaching positions at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan. She earned her M.S in Digital Material Technology from the University of Michigan and B.Arch from NMIMS Balwant Sheth School of Architecture. Prior to her teaching appointments, she gained professional experience at the offices of Sameep Padora (Mumbai, IND), LOT-EK (New York, USA) and Perkins and Will (Los Angeles, USA).

Her work focuses on material systems, computational design, additive manufacturing and traditional-advanced fabrication methods. Her work has been published in Unfolded, Portico, ideasforward-24H, ACSA, ACADIA Conference Proceedings and exhibited at the Venice Biennale, DigitalFUTURES conference and the Center for Architecture, New York.