
(Re)Coding Type

There are three scales of ambitions to the project: 1. (Re)Coding Development Control Regulations for Mumbai-with focus on housing, 2. (Re)Coding Street Types, and 3.Non-Types of Mumbai. The driving idea is to investigate the interplay between the DCR and the forms of life in the city of Mumbai

One of the intentions of this project is to investigate the formal implications of the Development Control Regulations. What is a building for the DCR? What are the learnings from the city about the ways in which people have appropriated the given space? Can the DCR be recorded to be more accommodative of the diverse forms of life?

A few excerpts from the book are added for reference.

Type: Professional | Internship
Team: Sameep Padora, Shreyank Khemlapure, Rajji Desai & Misri Patel
